
How To Color Clear Liquid Polymer Clay

Today I would like to tell you a little bit near my new clay honey: Liquid Sculpey®! It does piece of work a bit different then regular polymer clay and you need to get used to the different way of working with it at starting time. So, to brand information technology easier for you I thought I share a couple of ideas where yous could start. I volition show you what I came up with and of course you can add your own twist to these ideas! And maybe yous desire to bear witness me what you practise? #HowDoYou Sculpey

Most of u.s. do love all the colors of polymer clay. And I am very happy to say that Liquid Sculpey® colors can be besides and you tin make your ain custom colors. I similar to utilise my Sculpey® Silicone Bakeable Cabochon Mold equally a mixing tray. I pour in the colors mix them, use them in the molds of option and cure my mixing tray with all my pieces. Makes it much easier to clean than in its liquid land! Anyway: cascade the colors yous desire to mix in the mold and use a spatula or other tool to stir until y'all become an even color. You tin add together more than of one or the other color until you go your desired result.

To bear witness you that yous can get all the colors y'all want, I mixed yellow, crimson and blueish  colors from the Liquid Sculpey® Main Set up (the leaves in the inner circle) to become orange, imperial and green. Then I mixed all 6 colors each with white to get brighter tones of all my colors (the outer circle). Of class y'all could also utilize black to tone the colors down. These are merely examples and I think they show that you can get all the colors you lot want when mixing the correct Liquid Sculpey® colors together, exactly as you need them!

The 3 Main colors are in the center, the next row is the Principal mixed with its neighboring Main and the outside row is the Primary mixed with Liquid Sculpey® White

If yous want translucent colors, yous want to use Clear Liquid Sculpey® every bit your base of operations and translucent colors to tint the dirt with: I used booze inks to do that. In the motion-picture show you lot can run into some of my samples. Try out the booze inks you lot already accept with clear liquid clay and see what colors you can come up with! With alcohol inks you definitely want to start with but a few drops and add together more if needed!

The Sculpey Tools 3D Mold for Jewelry is a great style to experiment and show off the colour range you can get with Clear Liquid Sculpey® every bit your base and translucent colors to tint the dirt.

The next technique yous might desire to endeavor out is marbling with Liquid Sculpey®. For my sample pieces I poured a background color into a silicone cup (white for the lower discs and aureate for the upper disc) and added a couple of colors in lines, drops or circles on top. These colors "sit" on the groundwork color and tin be dragged with a toothpick or needle tool to make the marble patterns. Y'all can use these as coasters, or if yous fill a metal or glass tray with that technique as a decor piece.

The next idea is to apply your silicone mold and make full them with more than than one color of Liquid Sculpey® in one go. That is especially nice when making natural shapes, similar the nautical pieces I used hither. Before I poured in the Liquid Sculpey®I too added a bit of glitter powder with a brush. Don't you think they expect more interesting that fashion? I also added a flake of glitter powder with a brush. Don't you call up they look more interesting that way?

Of course you lot can also pour your colors into a mold in a much more controlled mode, as you lot can see with the earrings that I made here with the 3D Jewelry Mold. I used red and white and my base colors and a pinkish, that I mixed with the ruby-red and white, in between. The liquid clay is thick enough that the colors tin can sit on pinnacle of each other without mixing, if you practise not stir them.

Every bit you have already seen with my nautical shapes you can add powders to Liquid Sculpey®. And you tin likewise add metal foil, pearls, chaplet and stones into the liquid clay! For the first pair of earrings I used gold foil and trapped air in it, to have an irregular shape, and so poured Peacock Pearl Liquid Sculpey® on superlative in the mold.

The Rose Gold pair of earrings have pearls added to the Rose Gilded Liquid Sculpey®. I am sure there are a lot more embellishments you tin can use with liquid clay!

There is another technique I really like with Liquid Sculpey®: fill a mold with one color, cure it and then cut the piece. The dirt is soft enough that you can easily use your blade for that. After cut the piece I place it dorsum into the mold and fill up the gaps with a different clay colour and cure it again. Of course, y'all can also practice this with multiple times and/or with a number of dirt colors!

A tip for that technique: sometimes the second clay color gets under your already cured pieces. While I try to avoid that with making sure the pieces sit really well in the mold, it still is not a large deal if the leakage happens! Cured Liquid Sculpey® tin can be sanded just like regular clay and then you tin get your well-baked line again! The black and white cabochons in the picture needed to exist sanded quite a chip to get the pattern back similar you lot see it now. Of course, you lot can as well play with using opaque and Articulate Liquid Sculpey® to create nice contrasts in your pieces.

If you pour Liquid Sculpey® on rubber stamps you lot tin can get squeamish crisp patterns! Only use existent safe stamps for this technique however. Clear stamps tin can not hold the estrus of the curing! Pour some liquid clay on a stamp and spread information technology out a niggling bit, then cure it. You lot volition become thin sheets with a pattern, that can be used on regular clay. Cut them in shape with your scissors. Since these sheets are quite sparse they also tin can exist bend hands, equally you can see on the blackness and gold dewdrop.

Finally I would like to testify y'all that Clear Liquid Sculpey® tin can exist used equally a "glaze" on regular dirt. My sample pieces have been stamped and, to better show the texture, I applied powders. to brand sure the glitter powders stay where they are and to also add together a glass like shine to the top, I applied a layer of Clear Liquid Sculpey®  and cured the slice.

Of class in that location are many more ways how y'all can apply Liquid Sculpey® in your projects. I hope I have shown y'all a couple of ideas that yous will attempt out and add together to your repertoire! This is how I utilise Liquid Sculpey®, and #HowDoYouSculpey?

How To Color Clear Liquid Polymer Clay,


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