
Does Your Blazer Need To Be Same Color As Pant

Blazers are a simple manner to add a touch of sophistication to even the most coincidental of outfits. But what color pants should you lot wear with a grey blazer?

A greyness blazer tin can be worn with navy blue or black pants in formal or business concern-casual settings. When dressing more casually, consider pants in colors such as maroon, forest greenish, or plum majestic.

Equally you tin can come across, y'all definitely aren't short of options.

But knowing which ane you should wear for whatsoever given setting does depend on a few crucial factors. We'll be going through those first.

Then, we'll go through some examples of combos y'all can effort out for yourself.

matching grey blazers with pants infographic

Color Matching Pants With Gray Blazers: Guidelines

The grey blazer is incredibly versatile.

But exist conscientious with the color of pants you choose to article of clothing with it.

While colour-analogous is easy with neutral colors such as grey, the setting y'all're dressing for should determine the pants color you cull.

grey blazer with white turtleneck
Paradigm From Deposit Photos

1. Nighttime Neutrals For Formal Events

In more formal settings, become for a nighttime grey blazer with a dark and neutral pair of pants (eg. black, charcoal grey, or navy).

However, information technology'southward of import to note that in truly formal settings there'due south a good chance you'd exist expected to wear a 2-slice accommodate in whatever example. In other words, a non-matching blazer and pants combo won't cutting it.

grey blazer white shirt and black pants
Epitome From Deposit Photos

But if you do think a blazer and pants combo would be OK, stick to night and neutral pants in dressier settings.

While navy blue technically isn't a neutral, information technology could be labeled one given how muted it is.

ii. Low-cal Neutrals And Not-Neutrals For Casual Events

Light and neutral-colored pants include those in white, off-white, beige, tan, and khaki.

Non-neutral colors are those you'll find on the color wheel (see adjacent section). They include reds, yellows, oranges, blues, greens, and purples.

The grey blazer is neutral plenty to combine with whatever of them pretty easily.

Nevertheless, light neutrals and not-neutral colored pants volition always look more casual than wearing night and neutral pants.

Light neutrals could be worn in business-casual or smart-coincidental settings, while not-neutral colored pants should simply be worn with a grayness blazer in smart-casual settings.

three. The Color Wheel Is Helpful

Although it isn't essential, the color wheel tin can be helpful when choosing a pair of pants to wear with your grey blazer.

Color wheel
Image From Eolith Photos

You don't need it for the purpose of colour coordination here, as greyness is neutral enough to easily combine with annihilation.

But looking at the color cycle tin be useful for figuring out what kind of vibe you want from your blazer and pants combo.

The colors on the "warm" half of the wheel such as reds, yellows, and oranges would expect more than vibrant and eye-communicable when worn with a grayness blazer.

The colors on the "absurd" half of the bicycle such equally blues, greens, and purples would wait more relaxed and laid back.

We'll refer back to the almighty color bike as we run through the combinations below.

Grey Blazer And Pants Combinations

Here are some peachy combos together with their ideal clothes lawmaking(due south), likewise as other potential items you could wear them with.

Greyness Blazer With Navy Blue Or Black Pants

Apparel Code – Formal Or Concern-Casual

Color Scheme – Dark Neutrals

Other Potential Items – Nighttime brown or blackness Oxford/Derby shoes, white dress shirt.

grey blazer + navy blue pants + black pants
Images From Deposit Photos

Dark neutrals such as navy blue orf blackness pants are very piece of cake to vesture with a grey blazer, particularly in dressier settings.

It'due south important to bear in listen that if you do experience as though an issue is more than formal, consider wearing a blazer in a nighttime shade of grey as well.

Stick to black or dark brownish dress shoes – ideally Oxford or Derby shoes. Blackness would be the more formal option, just night brown would be a very constructive alternative if you wanted a bit of dissimilarity.

Recall, if you lot felt as though an event was truly formal, avoid the blazer and pants philharmonic altogether and article of clothing a 2-piece suit instead.

Grey Blazer With Grey Pants

Apparel Lawmaking – Business-Coincidental Or Smart

Color Scheme – Monochromatic

Other Potential Items – White or light blue dress shirt, tan brown dress shoes

grey blazer + dark grey mens pants
Images From Deposit Photos

A monochromatic outfit is one where you combine items in different shades of the same color.

Here, you'd combine a grey blazer with pants in a different shade of grey.

For example, a calorie-free grey blazer with nighttime grayness pants, or vice versa.

While you don't need this much contrast, it's important to ensure that the blazer and the pants aren't too similar in shade.

Doing so would risk making it appear as though information technology'due south a bad attempt at a ii-piece suit, almost as if yous grabbed the wrong pair out of your wardrobe.

The contrast between light and night you'd accomplish would be striking and effective.

All the same, it would usually look more casual than going for a dark grey blazer with a nighttime and neutral-colored pair of pants instead (as per the previous combo).

Because of this, the monochromatic combination works improve in business organisation-casual and smart-casual settings than it does in formal ones.

Grey Blazer With Khaki, Cream, Or White Pants

Clothes Code – Business-Coincidental Or Smart-Casual

Color Scheme – Light Neutrals

Other Potential Items – White or low-cal pinkish dress shirt, suede dress shoes

grey blazer + cream colored pants + khaki colored pants
Images From Deposit Photos

Lite neutrals work well in business-casual settings where you want to dress up simply not too much.

The contrast between the greyness blazer and the pants will be striking here, but keeping everything neutral should make it perfectly acceptable for business concern-casual events.

You could go for a dark gray blazer if you wanted more than contrast with the pants, or a low-cal grey blazer if you wanted less contrast.

Light and neutral colors include beige, off-white, khaki, and tan. White is possible too.

Given y'all're dressing downward a little here, consider going for a more coincidental pair of dress shoes.

Suede is a not bad option – it'south dressy, but the napped texture makes it announced more than laid back than shinier grains of leather.

Grey Blazer With Blue Or Greenish Pants

Clothes Code – Smart-Casual

Color Scheme – "Cool" Colors

Other Potential Items – White shirt, T-shirt, or turtleneck sweater. Suede shoes or white sneakers.

grey blazer + light green pants + medium blue pants
Images From Deposit Photos

The color bike is separate into "warm" colors and "cool" colors. The half with cool colors consists of blues, greens, and purples.

They have a more relaxed, laid-dorsum, and winter/fall-friendly aesthetic.

Pants in any of these colors would work perfectly well with a grayness blazer.

Sticking to muted shades of these colors would be all-time, however. Avoid the fluorescent lime greenish pants, for example.

Think wood light-green, hunter green, olive green, plum purple, and medium shades of blue.

Wearing a gray blazer with non-neutral-colored pants like this will lead to a more than coincidental outfit. Reserve it for smart-coincidental settings, just as you would with warm-colored pants.

In add-on, let the pants be the most colorful aspect of the outfit and keep the other items neutral.

So, avoid wearing a colorful shirt – go for something light and neutral (ideally white) instead.

Too much color can exist overwhelming and distracting.

Grey Blazer With Dark Ruby-red Or Burnt Orangish Pants

Dress Lawmaking – Smart-Coincidental

Color Scheme – "Warm" colors

Other Potential Items – White shirt or T-shirt, suede shoes or white sneakers

grey blazer + maroon pants + orange pants
Images From Eolith Photos

Referring back to the color wheel, you'll see that the "warm" half consists of reds, yellows, and oranges.

They're eye-catching and energetic.

Wearing pants in i of these colors works great during the warmer months. Grey blazers do work uncommonly well with them given how neutral they are.

The darker and more muted shades of these warm colors practice tend to work amend. They may be less striking, but they're easier to pull off without drawing too much attention.

Maroon, burgundy, crimson, mustard yellowish, burnt orange – they're all bully options for pants when wearing a greyness blazer.

However, much like with the cool-colored pants, stick to wearing white dress shirts here. Permit the pants be the ane pop of color in your outfit and go for neutrals for everything else.


It'south hard to comprehend just how versatile a grey blazer really is. Technically, you can't really go incorrect with it.

However, the color of the pants you lot cull to wearable with it is important and should exist adamant past a diversity of different factors.

Think about the dress code, also equally the other items you're planning on wearing with it.

Sticking to basic principles should ensure you lot don't get wrong.



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